Progress Resources Complete & Continue Next Lesson Learn More Session 1 - Can Science Explain Everything? 6 Lessons Part 1: An Overview Part 2: The limitations of science Part 3: Are faith & science in conflict? Part 4: What about the Big Bang theory? Part 5: Can we take the Bible seriously? Part 6: The problem of suffering Session 2 - Why Climate Change Matters 7 Lessons Part 1: An Overview Part 2: A Christian vision for the world Part 3: Climate change matters for the sake of the world Part 4: Climate change matters for the sake of people living in poverty Part 5: Climate change matters for our own sake Part 6: Climate change matters for God’s sake Part 7: What do we do (about climate change). Session 3 - Am I Just My Brain? 5 Lessons Part 1: An Overview Part 2: I am just my brain – a popular scientific view Part 3: What about the mind? How does this relate to the brain? Part 4: Material and immaterial realms Part 5: Why can we think? Why is there consciousness? Session 4 - Spirituality And Mental Health 9 Lessons Part 1: An Overview Part 2: Spirituality – What is it? What does it do? Part 3: The concept of relational consciousness Part 4: Organisational mental health – (an optional digression) Part 5: The implications of relational consciousness Part 6: Thick and thin descriptions of mental health challenges Part 7: Asking phenomenological questions about technological practices Part 8: Identity Part 9: Healing through friendship Session 5 - Making Sense Of Identity In The 21st Century World 5 Lessons Part 1: An Overview Part 2: Obsessed with ourselves Part 3: A changed understanding of identity Part 4: How is this project going? Part 5: A Christian understanding of identity Session 6 - Do Scientists Have The Right To Change Our Genes? 6 Lessons Part 1: An Overview Part 2: Is there hope of a cure for genetic disorders Part 3: Some questions that arise from human genome editing Part 4: How much power does our DNA have over our lives Part 5: Improving the human stock – genetic enhancement and eugenics Part 6: Made in the image of God Resources Complete & Continue Next Lesson Learn More Session 6 - Do Scientists Have The Right To Change Our Genes? Part 6: Made in the image of God
Ponder on the Judaeo-Christian idea that humans are ‘made in the image of God’ and so all human beings have dignity and are of worth Back to All Resources